Short Fat Chick in Paris

Woodham, Kerre

When celebrity broadcaster and columnist Kerre Woodham became the Short Fat Chick who runs marathons, she changed lives. Hugely successful, her first book is now followed by a funny, inspiring and devastatingly honest continuation of her personal story. This time Kerre shares more of her physical and emotional journey through a life lived out loud - the highs and lows of a woman who has privately battled flab, the piss fairy and depression behind a public life of glitz and glamour. After the euphoria of the New York Marathon, Kerre set her sights on London - and failed miserably. Did that stop her? Hell no. With training and personal weight-loss programmes designed for her by long-term trainer, friend and co-author, Gareth (aka Gaz) Brown, the Short Fat Chick decided to go French. With a group of friends and fellow runners, Kerre went to Paris... nothing will ever be the same.
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Non fiction A4542