Of the five contenders for the Iron Throne and the Land of the Seven Kingdoms, one is dead and one in disgrace. House Lannister's head, Joffrey, rules uneasily. Joffrey's enemy, Lord Stannis, is disgraced and enthralled. Robb of House Stark still rules the North, implacable in his enmity towards his Lannister foes, even as they hold his sister hostage. And the exiled queen Daenerys, mistress of the world's last three dragons, makes her way across a blood-drenched continent. But as opposing forces manoeuvre for the final showdown, an army of barbaric wildlings appears, led by undead Others. The final cataclysm is inevitable, and many will die upon many swords.Librarian's Miscellania
Caution: Graphic violence and Incest