No Glory Without Effort

Strange, Glyn

The true story, in English and French, of a New Zealand pilot who gave his life to save the lives of others. Flight Lieutenant Noel Stokes and his crew were on a mission in a Lancaster bomber to bomb factories in Stuttgart, Germany when their journey was cut short by an attack from an enemy night fighter. When the aircraft caught fire and became uncontrollable, Stokes fought to the end to save his crew, and the French villagers in the town below,. After all but one member of the crew had bailed out, Stokes managed to manouvre the aircraft in such a way to save it from crashing onto the village, but he died instantly.
Librarian's Miscellania
Parallel text in English and French.
Location edition Bar Code due date
Non fiction New edition A2552
Genre:New Zealand Non-Fiction
call #:STR