Dolphins of Aotearoa: Living with New Zealand Dolphins

Peart, Raewyn

Explores the ongoing relationship between humans and dolphins in New Zealand. Over this nation's rich history, numerous people, both Maori and Pakeha, have sought out dolphins and significant numbers of dolphins have sought out people. For many, encountering dolphins has been a profound and life changing experience. This book tells the stories of many of these remarkable encounters, featuring all of the famous dolphins, such as Pelorus Jack from the early years of the 20th century, Opo in the 1950s, Maui and more recently Moko. In addition it chronicles the ultimately doomed attempts to keep dolphins in captivity in facilities such as Marineland in Napier. ... also summarises the work of the dedicated scientists and researchers who over recent decades have learnt so much about our dolphins, and whose research has given great impetus to the conservation of these remarkable creatures. Extensively researched and lavishly illustrated with historic and contemporary photographs, and incorporating a guide to all of the dolphins of New Zealand. (Publisher)
Location edition Bar Code due date
Non fiction A21831N0247
Genre:New Zealand Non-Fiction
call #:PEA