Treasuring Our Biodiversity: An EDS Guide to the Protection of New Zealand's Indigenous Habitats and Species

Brake, Lucy. Environmental Defence Society (N.Z.)

Peart, Raewyn

New Zealand has particularly high levels of biodiversity but a very poor record of conserving it. This guide is designed to assist people who want to achieve better biodiversity outcomes as well as those whose activities impact on New Zealand's indigenous habitats and species. Describes the legal and voluntary tools which are available to protect biodiversity and opportunities for public involvement in their deployment. Identifies elements of 'good practice' and how they can be implemented on the ground. Includes specific chapters addressing biodiversity in indigenous grasslands, forests, productive land, freshwater, urban environments, wetlands, coastal areas and the sea. An invaluable resource for anyone concerned with managing and protecting biodiversity, including landowners, community groups, local authorities, developers and planners. (Back cover)
Location edition Bar Code due date
Non fiction A21729A0247