Avatar the Last Airbender: North and South. Part Two

Yang, Gene Luen

Gurihiru., Konietzko, Bryan., DiMartino, Michael Dante., Heisler, Michael

Series: Avatar the Last Airbender: North and South Vol: 2
After attempting to kidnap Katara and Sokka, Southerner Gilak has disappeared, leaving only a haunting note in the deserted caverns: 'Soon you will see the truth, Chieftain.' The vow leaves everyone on edge and prompts Hakoda to tighten security around the city. Still reeling from the discovery that her father is romantically involved with Malina, Katara is more distrusting of the northern newcomer than ever ... and just as everyone begins to relax their guard, Gilak's crew strikes and reveals some troubling information. Have katara's worst fears been confirmed? (Book cover)
Location edition Bar Code due date
Graphic Novels First edition A22791A0247