Taking the Journey

Cruickshank, Kelvin

Fleming, Donna

'Nothing hurts quite like the pain of losing someone you love. But what if I told you it's possible to visit this incredible place called heaven and hang out with those you've lost? Heaven, or the afterlife, is right here, at the end of our fingertips. It's all around us, and that's where our loved ones are, all around us.' Smile, laugh and cry with Kelvin Cruickshank, celebrity psychic medium and bestselling author, as he sheds light on what he has learned from spirit about the journey each and every one of us is on. Life and death - what's it all about? Why do bad things happen to good people? What happens when someone has a near-death experience? What are the important lessons we're here to learn? Kelvin answers these questions, and more, as he shows that connecting with spirit can produce a life filled with love, hope and happiness.
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